Competition - Call for entries Images 2009
Deadline: Friday 1st August 2008, 5pm
Created or commissioned a piece of illustration you're proud of?
Want other professionals working in illustration and design to know about it?
Then enter your best work into the Association of Illustrators' Images competition, the most comprehensive and prestigious illustration award in the UK.
We are delighted to present the new Call for Entries for our next competition: Images – the best of British contemporary illustration 2009.
Images continues to evolve into an ever more exciting publication; not only is it the sole jury-selected illustration annual and touring exhibition in the UK showcasing the best of contemporary British illustration, but from Images 2009 it will be art directed by a new designer each year. Commencing with renowned designer and writer Adrian Shaughnessy, who is sure to create something special. Categories will be expanded, with editorial articles to introduce each of the eight sections: Advertising, Books, Children's Books, Design, Editorial, New Media, Self-Promotion and New Talent.
The jury consists of 9 of the most respected personalities in the industry, with each judging multiple sections:
Jason Ford, Illustrator
Choi Liu, Art Buyer, M&C Saatchi
Nat Hunter, Managing Director, Airside
Margaret Hope, Art Director, Transworld Children's Books
Stuart Outhwaite, Art Director, Mother
Malcolm Garrett, Creative Director, AIG - Applied Information Group -
Maggie Murphy, Design Director, Guardian Weekend
Gavin Morris, Designer, Faber & Faber
Richard Robinson, Art Director, BBH